Maybe One Day I'll Have My Life Together.

I suck at holding myself accountable for the everyday tasks that need to get done; like exercise, laundry, dishes, etc. BUT that stops today.

I'm going to start holding myself accountable for everything that needs to be done in my life. Yes, this blog post is going to be short, but I promise as the next few weeks happen, I will be posting more and more.

I'm hoping posting to the blog will help me hold myself accountable for all things that I need to do.

There are no excuses, but I have been suffering from my depression severely; to the point where getting out of bed every day is a chore. I'm done feeling like this. I need to exercise to increase some happy endorphins and I need to laundry more because I'm sure my 3 year old is tired of running around in just pajamas all day (though that does make it easier when it is bed time).

I have some great products coming to me for review, so I need to get my life together!

~Until Next Time


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