Depression is just a big B word.

I've been battling depression for as long as I can remember. I have always been that easily picked on kid because I was "too nice," "too weird," and just overall felt a sense of hatred from my fellow peers even from an early age. I was extremely nice to anyone and everyone because I was taught from a young age that you get what you put out into the world; and I still see that even in today's society.

I'm not going to go into an extremely in depth blog post about my triggers for depression or what has caused my depression because quite frankly, it's an entire book, not a blog post. But today, I got out of bed. Maybe just to get my kids fed, cleaned up, and relaxing because they're sick; but I also got myself to the couch. As I am sick too.

But I did get out of bed.

Small victories, my friends, small victories.

For those of you who are battling depression, please remember to celebrate even the small victories like changing your clothes, brushing your hair, making sure you get enough water to drink, or even eating something even slightly nutritious (including ice cream because it's good for the soul). Because when you do celebrate those small things, you feel that slight glimmer of hope that you need to continue on in this world.

With that, my friends, I am going to go enjoy a bowl of ice cream.

~Until Next Time.


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