Sviuse Women's Long Sleeve Review!!!

Good Evening everyone! (Or whatever time of day it is when you read this!) Today I am writing to you about Sviuse's Women's Cotton Long Sleeve (Black). I fell in love with this shirt. It's winter so I'm experiencing difficulty with extremely dry skin. On top of it being winter, I have abnormally itch skin in general due to some health issues that we're still working out the kinks on. I generally wear only a brand from Walmart that is extremely cheap, because it doesn't make the itching as bad as normal. Well, I finally found a shirt that's not only comparable, but that actually covers up the tatas! This shirt has lace going from shoulder to wrist and it's actually really cute. It's made of cotton so it is extremely soft on my skin. I've gone out several times with this shirt on by itself (crazy being that we've been dipping in the single digit temperatures), but I've stayed relatively warm. I would still recommend wearing a coat. The only downfall that I see this shirt having it that it attracts cat hair like there's no tomorrow! That part is extremely annoying, but that's what rollers are for! It retails for $10.98 and as of today (1/5/2018) there is a 10% discount coupon available through Amazon! It is Prime shipping, so with that being said, I do have to say, that is a relatively low cost for something as cute as this shirt. You can find it here: ~Until Next Time My Friends!!!


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