Going to Breed CRICKETS?!?!

A little thing about us, we're big on saving money when we can; and we like to do things the natural way (example: We Cloth Diaper).

We have two snakes and two bearded dragons. With that, the cost of rats for the snakes and crickets for our dragons can become costly, so we've decided to go ahead and attempt to breed the crickets!!! I'm actually pretty excited about it.

I've learned so far that they can eat Baby Rice Cereal, which oddly enough I have an abundance of it. They can also eat fruits and vegetables, which we buy a lot of anyways, so that will help our waste costs go down.

So far, I have a tote filled with tubes, egg cartons, their food, and more. I also have about 200 crickets that are in there. I need to get some top soil in there so they can hatch and lay their eggs.

If anyone has any suggestions as to how to set up our tote or anything else, feel free to comment below!

~Until Next Time


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