A Slight Introduction Into The Beginning Of Our Chaotic Life

Sometimes when beginning something new, like this blog for instance, you don't know where to begin. So let's begin with the RIGHT NOW.

Jon and Emarosa are blissfully playing right next to me. While it's making typing this extremely difficult, I wouldn't trade the laughter for anything.

Who am I? I am Mom... Okay, not all the time. I am the Queen of the household, but you can call me Nicole. I will be one of the two people who post to this thing, trying to hold myself accountable for expressing my everyday life. For sharing the absolutely personal aspects of my life and creating them into something good for this world.... Maybe?

Jon will be also posting to this blog. He's the man, the king, who has stepped up to assist me with these two beautiful girls that I have created; not alone of course, but that's a whole different story for a rainy day. He's my partner in crime. He can introduce himself at a later time.

Now for the princesses, Emarosa and Luna. Emarosa is our rambunctious almost 3  year old. She is the one who is jumping on my bed and causing the chaos today. She is in the process of being diagnosed with Autism. Something that will be prevalent in this adventure we call life. Luna is our 9 month old. She hasn't quite decided if she's going to be crazy or not. She likes to be, what I call, a manipulator. She will bat her eyelashes and tear up just to get what she wants.

Apparently this computer is now a foot rest for Emarosa, so as we go on you will get to see a look into our wonderful world. Our adventure we like to call life. It's going to be messy, have some annoy dad jokes, it may make you cry, make you laugh, make you distracted from your own world.

Until Next Time
~The Queen

P.S. Apparently sour gummy worms are puppy worms and they need to go ny ny. They're whispering quietly and I just got told I need to "shush." Welcome to my world.


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